Thursday, February 26, 2009

About Me

About Me Assignment for WCC
April 4, 2007
My name is Susannah and I am a political science major here at Portland State. Some quick personal information includes that I live in ***** with my husband and our two foster children (3 and 5) and our pets. The reason I am taking online classes this term is I am expecting our first child this summer and that involves lots of doctors appointments (as you probably could guess) which take up a lot of time. Right now I am also interning for Rep. David Edwards in Salem this term and that adds up to a pretty hectic schedule.
I am in my 4th year at Portland State but due to my personal situation, I am finishing up my degree next year. I want to go to law school after graduating. I am actually thinking that I would like to go ahead and practice family law, but I have taken quite a range of the CJ classes so that in case I change my mind, I can have a different perspective on it than they will give me in law school. My interest in WCC is general. I am always amazed that we as a society feel that crimes that impoverish hundreds of people in their old age are less violent than crimes that kill one person on the street. I also have always wondered what amount of research has been done on WCC recidivism. My knowledge is little and is really limited to what I learned in Crime Control Methods a couple of years back and also some business classes I have taken have addressed how as a manager I should try and prevent these crimes from occurring.
My expectations for this class more familiarity with what constitutes WCC and where it occurs. I would like to find out more about what methods are used to try and prevent WCC and how effective these methods are. Also, any information on WCC recidivism would be very interesting to me.

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